Hope for a Better 2020 and Beyond...
- Moving Humanity Forward -
We had a realization during a brainstorming session for The Hope to Haiti Charity…
Now more than ever, the world needs Hope.
Global problems are more visible now than anytime before, but we believe 2020 is the year to change our world for the better.
We thought to ourselves…
What if we could have real experts – with real solutions – come together?
What if they could all speak during an online live event?
We were surprised to see nothing like this was out there…
We wanted practical solutions on how to help the world.
So we thought about the United Nations Global Goals…
These goals are 17 key areas to make our world better
What if the experts could speak on the Global Goal they’re helping?
This is how the Global Hope Summit was born.
Our mission is to unite visionaries, thinkers, and doers to share their stories of what’s possible for this world when we come together for a greater good.
Hope can be the catalyst for global (and personal) progress.
Come join us, it’s 100% free – let’s do this together.
Let’s change the conversation in 2020 from global pain to global hope.
Wolf, Scott, and Dave
Founders, Global Hope Summit
Let’s face it. It’s easy to say that many of us have been “robbed” of our 2020s… Today, there are a lot of challenges facing our world. Pandemics. Race Relations. Economic Inequalities. Political fractalization. Global Warming. The list is practically endless.
But with all the challenges we face, what allows us to move forward into the future is the hope and belief that we can do better.
The Global Hope Summit is a virtual free event where we showcase practical and proven strategies to create a healthier global society. This goes beyond creating a bright ray of light for a hopeful future… We are uncovering the map towards sustainable and worldwide well-being.
*Note: Our full list of global speakers will be announced on September 1st. Sign up below so you can get updates
- Moving Humanity Forward -
The Challenges That Your Global Hope Summit Speakers Are Facing Head on
Our 2020 Themes
A Post-Coronavirus World
The pandemic has created a massive wave of change throughout the world some of which will be here to stay forever. What does the future look like?
Empowering Minority Communities
How can we all come together to create a world where we can all thrive and be celebrated for our diversity not judged because of it.
Healing Political Division
The widening division and living in "our bubbles" while demonizing other groups of people needs to end. We explore how we can come together to create a better world.
Plus Learn from People Actively Pursuing Practical Solutions to...
The Global Goals
End Poverty in All Its Forms
More than 700 million people (10% of the world) live in extreme poverty today and struggle to access the basic necessities to survive.
Zero Hunger
Food shortages and undernourishment affect over 1 billion of the world's population due to war, climate change, and social or economic issues around the world.
Good Health and Well Being
The current pandemic and other on-going issues of health and wellness prevent many from pursuing better lives and growing as a society.
Quality Education
Education is a fundamental building block that allows people to get themselves out of poverty and empowering them to live better lives.
Gender Equality
Increasing the empowerment of women in leadership of institutions across the world helps creating a world that works for everyone.
Clean Water and Sanitation
Clean water is fundamental to the survival of people and sanitation reduces disease. This core challenge must be solved for people to survive, let alone thrive.
Affordable and Clean Energy
Harnessing energy that doesn't cause damage to the environment and the world around us ensures a long future for ourselves and future generations.
Decent Work & Economic Growth
Creating opportunities for everyone to work and get a decent wage is the best path to greater self-reliance and the ability for everyone to prosper.
Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
Building sustainable economies at scale requires broad investment and generates the jobs we need to move into the future.
Reduced Inequalities
Inequalities happen within countries and various groups of people. It's our vision that no one be left behind as humanity makes strides towards more and equal opportunity to live a great life anywhere across the globe.
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Harnessing energy that doesn't cause damage to the environment and the world around us is imperative to take care of our planet and ensure a long future for ourselves and future generations.
Responsible Consumption and Production
Creating opportunities for everyone to work and get a decent wage is the best path to greater self-reliance and the ability to create a good life for everyone.
Climate Action
Action towards creating a clean world where we can reduce out impact on the climate is imperative to sustain our future. Speed of impact is important if we are to create a sustainable future for us all.
Life Below Water
Water and the life in it play a huge role in our ability to thrive. Biodiversity and a sustainable future require that we maintain the oceans and the life below water.
Life on Land
Humanity and our drive to make a mark on this planet has threatened the survival of other species. We need nature and it's importance to our sources of food and oxygen need to be preserved and sustained.
Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
Without peace and justice and a world built for everyone we become weaker across humanity as a whole. Stabilty creates long-term growth.
Partnerships for the Goals
We must work together to create the best world for everyone. Only by sharing ideas and cooperating towards these goals can we create the impact necessary to create a sustainable future.
Any mention of the Sustainable Development Goals or Global Goals is provided for informational purpose only. Global Hope Summit™ is not affiliated with the UN or SDG. Learn more about each of the goals at https://globalgoals.org.
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We will be providing more information as we select speakers and charities and launch this absolutely FREE Event.